Our Education Initiatives

Pulte Scholars
Through our Pulte Scholarship Program, we are expanding educational opportunities for students in public and private schools, trade schools, and universities. The Foundation currently supports scholarships at the University of Notre Dame, Ferris State University, Academy of the Sacred Heart, Southeast Michigan Construction Academy, Industrial Arts Institute, and Mackinac Island Public Schools.

University of Notre Dame
The Pulte Family Charitable Foundation has combined forces with the University of Notre Dame to address global poverty and inequality through policy, practice, and partnership.
- Our Lady of the Lake World Peace Plaza | www.prayforworldpeace.nd.edu
- Pulte Institute for Global Development | www.pulte.nd.edu
- Pulte Endowment for Excellence for Global Affairs | www.keough.nd.edu
- Pulte Platform for Policy and the Pulte Family Professor for Policy and Practice | www.keough.nd.edu
- The Fighting Irish Initiative (FII) | www.giving.nd.edu
- William J. Pulte Endowment for Excellence in Social Innovation | www.leo.nd.ed
- William J. Pulte Directorship of the Pulte Institute for Global Development | www.pulte.nd.edu
- William J. Pulte Endowed Scholarship Fund | www.nd.edu

Academy of the Sacred Heart
Academy of the Sacred Heart is part of an international community of more than 150 schools committed to forming global citizens. With 200 years of experience to draw upon, Sacred Heart educators build on best practices to design intentional, individual experiences to challenge each student. The Foundation provides full scholarships to students who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial need.

Ferris State University
William J. Pulte recognized during his lifetime the importance of a skilled and responsive workforce to assure quality and value in home construction today. The Foundation established the William J. Pulte Construction Practices Lab and the William J. Pulte Construction Scholarship to help ensure Ferris State can continue developing leaders in the construction industry.

Industrial Arts Institute
The Industrial Arts Institute (IAI), located in Onaway, Michigan, is a non-profit organization that specializes in building the professional trades workforce. IAI’s Comprehensive Industrial Welding (CIW) Program is the fastest and highest welder certificate program in Michigan giving CIW students the opportunity to earn numerous American Welding Society (AWS) certifications. IAI takes a hands-on, project based approach to its welding program, providing expert faculty support with deep industry experience. The fast track, intensive, structural & pipe welding program not only builds useful skills for students but also produces workforce ready employees.

Mackinac Island Public School
Each year at Mackinac Island Public School two graduating seniors receive scholarship awards from the William J. Pulte Scholarship Program, which provides for tuition and a stipend for academic testing, college application fees, and travel. In addition, the Foundation supports Mackinac Island Public School each year with a direct fund to be used for the college preparation for juniors and seniors.